My Body Loves Me…here’s how I know

My Body Loves Me…here’s how I know

My body is tough. Like really tough. It took a shit-kicking for years and it kept coming back for more. I pumped it full of drugs and alcohol, gnarly food and “herbal cleanses” for decades and it kept showing up for me. I tried to turn my body inside out....
Give a different kind of gift this year…

Give a different kind of gift this year…

This isn’t your mother’s Dream Book shenanigans. And there’s not one whiff of Dr. Freud to be found. My dream analysis experience is super fun, quite fascinating, and a *little* different than you might expect. People’s dreams are full of...

The 10 Breaths Challenge: Dabbling in DIY Neurosurgery

Hello my lovelies, I recently attended a phenomenal talk by horse-whisperer and life coach Koelle Simpson. During her talk Simpson proposed that we can literally create our own reality by choosing what we give our attention to, by choosing the thoughts that we think,...

Resolution Revolution

This January there seems to be a full-scale revolt against the idea of New Year’s resolutions. And I say, Vive la Révolution! New Year’s resolutions bring out our inner tyrants. They encourage us to focus on all the things we don’t like about...